getting the strength given....
" His strength is perfect when our strength is gone, He'll carry us when we can't carry on...Dressed in His power the weak become strong His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect." God's strength is so amazing..... Especially when we need it the most. I'm going through a trial right now, to some (if I told you) it would be nothing,and to others very hard. Some times when IM having pity-parties for myself i have to remind myself that Jesus Christ carried the same load(and then some). And then i think, how did he do it......What did he do?.... He used the same strength that God offers us. I look forward to trials being over, but what we do need to think about is whether or not we learned anything from it. Did it make you bitter or has it made you better. Are you going to be mad that it happened(even though everything that happens to us is all part of God's big picture for our lives), or will you be a better leader for Christ, in that you can share the wisdom with others that you have just attained from your past and even difficult experiences. bitter or better? ask yourself that next time youre in a trying situation......And remember...W.W.J.D ;)
At 25/3/06 10:08 AM,
Sage said…
so who do u pull more strength from... btw, don't try to scold me on what I listen to with that "love song" on your blog.
At 25/3/06 4:49 PM,
Butterfly said…
jeff, just out of curiousity,why do feel such a strong need to bash any and everything that i say on here. and since im sure that you will take an offense at this remark as well, why dont you look back on the last 2 or 3 posts of mine.i pull my strength from my Lord or there would be no way for me to have come this far in the situation that i find myself in. im sorry that you have to feel the way that you do about things that i say, i really am. in any of these im not trying to annoy you or anyone else, theyre things that i think about. yet regretfully i dont always practice what i type, write or, of my many faults... thankyou for challenging me on this my brother.
At 26/3/06 10:31 AM,
Sage said…
well, tis a bit late for apologies when you blew up in my face. I guess there is really no need to comment anymore when I try to explain it to you, and you won't let me. Yet you tell me you don't understand. So if you don't understand, why do u not let me explain? Sensless stupidity. Btw... i don't bash everything you say, this is just one of the times that my thoughts contridicted yours. But alas... it will never be the same. I'm sure you would rather me die than say anything else, so... just stay away from me for now. I feel that I let you lean on me... yet you take it for granted...
At 28/3/06 3:38 PM,
Sage said…
haha funny. Can u say... never mind... that would be too CRUEL...
At 28/3/06 7:22 PM,
Butterfly said…
were all ok.... right jeff. lets not make a big deal of past mistakes;)
At 29/3/06 4:00 AM,
Sage said…
as far as I see it... that wasn't a mistake... I was trying to show u something... ughh, n/m
At 29/3/06 6:37 PM,
Butterfly said…
thats what i mean jeff..... srry.
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