so much goes on!!!!!!!........
Alot has happened since the last time i posted.....
We had some girls come over to our house while their singing group was here. They're a traveling group from Lafayette, Indiana. (where my best friend sam moved from) It was great getting to meet them! Theyre so CRAZY, in an awesome way. You feel so welcome and accepted by them all.......:)
Just last friday and saturday we went on a Harvester's Retreat. It was some where north of Atlanta........ not exactly sure where. I stayed in a room with two of my friends Taylor and Rachel, and one of our sponsors Mrs. Lyons. One of the last things we did before going to bed Friday night was share what the Lord had spoke to us about during the sessions that day. And one of the things He spoke to me about was, sometimes I believe that we have a distorted view of missionaries. I guess, when i think of a missionary, i think of all the things they have to give up.(material things) But thats just it, they are so happy, material things dont matter. The obvious joy that they have is all over their faces. A joy that the wealthiest man in the world could not have, a joy that only comes from doing the Lord's will. I want and covet that happiness for myself and my family(in the future).
Anyways..... on Thursday night, me and my mom will be driving to Orlando, Florida to see my relatives from London, England! i havent seen them in years! It'll be so much fun, and my brother is coming down from kansas!
Even though I have all this going on I'm still missing certain individuals from school:(..... Ahhhhh well such is life, hopefully time will go quickly. Well i say that, but then time will go quickly and then it'll be time for school again......(blah)
well i'll try to post again soon, i'll have lots of time since i'm sick and will be here in the apt. all day so........ email me if you can. bye
We had some girls come over to our house while their singing group was here. They're a traveling group from Lafayette, Indiana. (where my best friend sam moved from) It was great getting to meet them! Theyre so CRAZY, in an awesome way. You feel so welcome and accepted by them all.......:)
Just last friday and saturday we went on a Harvester's Retreat. It was some where north of Atlanta........ not exactly sure where. I stayed in a room with two of my friends Taylor and Rachel, and one of our sponsors Mrs. Lyons. One of the last things we did before going to bed Friday night was share what the Lord had spoke to us about during the sessions that day. And one of the things He spoke to me about was, sometimes I believe that we have a distorted view of missionaries. I guess, when i think of a missionary, i think of all the things they have to give up.(material things) But thats just it, they are so happy, material things dont matter. The obvious joy that they have is all over their faces. A joy that the wealthiest man in the world could not have, a joy that only comes from doing the Lord's will. I want and covet that happiness for myself and my family(in the future).
Anyways..... on Thursday night, me and my mom will be driving to Orlando, Florida to see my relatives from London, England! i havent seen them in years! It'll be so much fun, and my brother is coming down from kansas!
Even though I have all this going on I'm still missing certain individuals from school:(..... Ahhhhh well such is life, hopefully time will go quickly. Well i say that, but then time will go quickly and then it'll be time for school again......(blah)
well i'll try to post again soon, i'll have lots of time since i'm sick and will be here in the apt. all day so........ email me if you can. bye
At 3/4/06 9:36 AM,
Sage said…
I'm happy God has bestowed this knowledge my friend... you and your mom and such a blessing. After my chores... I promise to email you. Peace dani...
At 3/4/06 5:58 PM,
Rebecca said…
ooooh! Relatives from LONDON! Do they have accents? That would be so absolutely completely totally and incredibally cool! Have fun--and stay out of trouble. :) hehe.
Love you!
At 3/4/06 6:44 PM,
Butterfly said…
isnt there some kind of a saying that says"what happens during spring break stays at spring break" or something to that affect...yeah well that's what i live by..;)hehehehe totally j/p
i wish i couldve come too...gggrrrr....but that might have just given off the wrong impression.;)sometime i'll come/go
At 4/4/06 8:47 AM,
Sage said…
forgive me... please.
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