the amazing visit of
i forgot to tell you all about chris' bad. it was awesome, i've never met someone, and so quickly come to like and admire them like i have chris...except for one person..but he is some one that i would count as a very close friend of mine, even though we only met and spent time together for a few days. the thing i like most about him is that he is his own person. i am possitive that there is not a person in the world like him!!!it was great to have him here, and if you read this, we all miss you now that you're gone. i hope you come back sometime in the near future...thanx for coming!!!
At 9/6/06 7:29 AM,
Sage said…
We clashed in opinions at tikes, but all-around... yeah, he's pretty awesome
At 9/6/06 5:15 PM,
La Profesora said…
i hope you get to see the 1/2 of Terrence's script that they filmed while he was here - it is funny!
At 11/6/06 5:58 AM,
Sage said…
Its kinda mean when everyone's makin fun of it...
At 14/6/06 7:05 AM,
Butterfly said…'s sitting in a highly important and noticable place on my dresser. i'm glad that you like your little puppet thingy!!!:)
At 15/6/06 5:45 PM,
Sage said…
yeah... don't notice what I said...
At 17/6/06 3:47 PM,
Sage said…
Hmmm... you don't agree that criticizing a person to where everyone in the room is laughing at him isn't "cruel". Well, sounds like I'm back in public skool with the blinded board of education...
At 17/6/06 3:47 PM,
Sage said…
or maybe I'm just blind... who knows...
At 17/6/06 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
well i agree that it was a little mean, but please let us not fight over somebodys blog, we should be possitive and lift people up even when we would not conisder them to be "normal" or "like us"
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