great messages!!!
i just came from a youth activity, where i heard what is now , one of the best messages ever!!! the man we heard was from Ambassador Baptist Bible College, he preached on a familiar verse, Matthew 3:23?????, (i think that's the passage) the verse is,"seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." and something that spoke to me was the fact, that your greatest trial in life, could be God's greatest gift. there is something that i (in a sense) must "overcome" right now. but yet God "showed" me tonight, that although i am going throught this tough time, at the end, my trial will become my treasure for having finished my course. so "my trial is my gift". it's hard to explain this without being more specific, yet i was advised to keep it "casual";) so i challenge you all to keep Christ first, and then, your life's mate, your money, your house, your job, and even your joy, will be added unto you (will be given/provided).
love you all,
p.s. if you know the exact reference for the verse, please let me know, i hate the fact that i know a lot of scripture, yet not the references......
love you all,
p.s. if you know the exact reference for the verse, please let me know, i hate the fact that i know a lot of scripture, yet not the references......
At 15/5/06 11:29 AM,
Sage said…
At 15/5/06 6:58 PM,
Sage said…
on your profile... I believe it is spelled "robinson crusoe"
At 18/5/06 7:31 AM,
Sage said…
hehe, "persistense is futile"
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