Shtuff About Me....

Someone who loves the Lord and loves to have a good time with her times crazy, but loves to be an encouragement to others.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

school is word!!!

the night before last, me, jennifer and my mom got back to the house at like 3:00 in the morning, we ended up goin to bed at about 3:30-3:45 in the morning. because like weirdos we stayed up talking for what seemed like 5min.(more like 20-30min.)about the most random things, such as my cats name(princess fatty cat)and my room.well to start of the day right i woke up late, getting to school on time but in a rush....i hate when that happens. well then i got "chewed out or embarrassed" by some if not all of my teachers for one thing or another. it was kinda weird. i was a little bit of a wreck.i was tired, and some of my best friends were leaving for senior trip for ever(well,2 weeks), and i failed a biology and spanish quiz....i don't know how i would've gotten through yesterday without the Lord or my best friend jeff. it's nice to have people there for you,even if your being difficult with them...sorry
but all of this is looking at the negative side of yesterday....i had a short but sweet conversation with mrs. liedtke that helped quite a bit.(she seems to always know what to say) and i had a good day concerning my friends. i saw them all and they were so happy to see me, and that in itself made me feel good. so i guess i didn't have that bad of a day....i'll just"start over on monday.


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