not going exactly how I want it......
Do you ever have those days where you either have absolutely NOTHING go your way, or things go very differently then what you imagined.... yeah, well, i had one of those days, it didn't happen the entire day, just part of it...(and to those of you who care)I'm so sorry i couldn't stay after church and chat a little while, mom was exhausted.
We had a bunch of people over to my house today for easter lunch. It was ok, considering that there was a lot of food. I had my fill and then went to my room for a, what was supposed to be "little" nap.(it turned into about an hour nap, hehehehehe) Then after i woke up, there was more food put before me for my disposal.....(desert) Which consisted of either strawberry-shortcake or chocolate. Neither of which sounded very appetizing since i am not a very "sweet- toothed" being. After that, cameras were flashed about with people saying/yelling "look this way", "smile", and my personal favorite,"NO, DON'T STAND THERE, YOU'RE NOT IN THIS PICTURE". It 's like, oh, thanx for loving me.... Why is it that pictures seem to bring out the "evil being" and it stresses everyone out. Then everyone left, and it was peaceful for about.....hmmmm, 15 min., cause then,it was time for church, Praise the Lord!!!!!At church we found that the power was But thanx to the handimen in our church it came back on.
Well at the end of the very good message, me and my mom had to leave right away which was kind of inconveniencing to me and some of my friends.
This is my highly hectic I'm sure that there is a lesson in all of this, which could prbably be patience, and, "it's not all about you".(which is me) anyway, tomorrow is our last normal away game.....very depressing. but i am excited about it, it's always nice to get away,even if it is only's better than nothin'.
I will write soon, because i very much enjoy telling you all of my good and bad days, and having you pitty me, or give advice....:) thanx to all of you that comment on a regular basis.
We had a bunch of people over to my house today for easter lunch. It was ok, considering that there was a lot of food. I had my fill and then went to my room for a, what was supposed to be "little" nap.(it turned into about an hour nap, hehehehehe) Then after i woke up, there was more food put before me for my disposal.....(desert) Which consisted of either strawberry-shortcake or chocolate. Neither of which sounded very appetizing since i am not a very "sweet- toothed" being. After that, cameras were flashed about with people saying/yelling "look this way", "smile", and my personal favorite,"NO, DON'T STAND THERE, YOU'RE NOT IN THIS PICTURE". It 's like, oh, thanx for loving me.... Why is it that pictures seem to bring out the "evil being" and it stresses everyone out. Then everyone left, and it was peaceful for about.....hmmmm, 15 min., cause then,it was time for church, Praise the Lord!!!!!At church we found that the power was But thanx to the handimen in our church it came back on.
Well at the end of the very good message, me and my mom had to leave right away which was kind of inconveniencing to me and some of my friends.
This is my highly hectic I'm sure that there is a lesson in all of this, which could prbably be patience, and, "it's not all about you".(which is me) anyway, tomorrow is our last normal away game.....very depressing. but i am excited about it, it's always nice to get away,even if it is only's better than nothin'.
I will write soon, because i very much enjoy telling you all of my good and bad days, and having you pitty me, or give advice....:) thanx to all of you that comment on a regular basis.
At 16/4/06 7:10 PM,
jAkE said…
Sorry about your day Dani. tomarrow will be better. and...your welcome. =)
At 17/4/06 6:45 PM,
Sage said…
joy... commenting. You spelled "dessert" wrong... you spelled it "desert"... which is like the "SAHARA deSert"... that wouldn't tatse too good. Too much sand ;)))))))))) - super wink smile thing... crap on crap with crap on the side... and extra crap sauce.
At 17/4/06 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your game tonight. winning season good job. well got to pack for NATIONALS im so excited. well bye for now.
At 17/4/06 7:26 PM,
Butterfly said…
instead of crap, why not DOOKIE!!!!!hehe just playin', well that was dumb....ah well.
At 17/4/06 8:35 PM,
jAkE said…
Dookie, crap, feces, bodily excresion, why does it really matter what name you cal it by? It still means CRAPOLA! All the same.
That was kinda dumb too. I shoulda been blonde.....sheesh.
At 18/4/06 3:33 AM,
La Profesora said…
so why are you guys so into using that word? i somehow don't picture the Lord saying something like that while on earth except if he were referring specifically to a group of people about their sin compared with His holiness. But as a general expletive, it just seems low.
At 18/4/06 3:41 AM,
Sage said…
kap with an r
At 18/4/06 1:03 PM,
Butterfly said…
sorry mrs.L, you're very right...
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