ending the year...
lots of things are starting to show that the end of the school year is right here. i hate it, because i'm not ready....i'm not ready to say goodbye, especially to my friends sam and jen and brittany. all of them have influenced me in different ways this year, and some more than others. sam, you've taught me so much, and we've gone through alot together, i'm gonna miss you....a lot. and jennifer has showed me great Christain character, in everything that she does she shows Christ's love and testimony. and brittany has been there for me to talk to from the very beginning....so many memories have been made this year, i can't imagine any year to come surpassing this year.
sport's banquet was fun!!! i got a pin from softball, cheerleading, and volleyball, a letter "g" and a medal from volleyball. it was all fun, but i don't think i'm going to do as many sports next year, i want to work on my music, taking piano, and voice lessons. my voice teacher knows people from the music theater and she is gonna try to get me into a play this next year!!!i'm also trying to think of what will be more important in the "long run". using my music for Christ or bruised up legs and a trophy? (kinda obvious answer) so....
it's exam week so i'm gonna go to bed.....i hate exams!!!!!ggrrrr........(or meh)hehehe
p.s. i wish i was goin' into college right now.....i hate feeling left behind by my friends....
p.p.s.i'm not too upset, i've got all summer to spend time with them, yet i don't know how much time that'll be
p.p.p.s. F.E.A.B.A.L.A.Y.H.M.
smile...jesus loves you!
sport's banquet was fun!!! i got a pin from softball, cheerleading, and volleyball, a letter "g" and a medal from volleyball. it was all fun, but i don't think i'm going to do as many sports next year, i want to work on my music, taking piano, and voice lessons. my voice teacher knows people from the music theater and she is gonna try to get me into a play this next year!!!i'm also trying to think of what will be more important in the "long run". using my music for Christ or bruised up legs and a trophy? (kinda obvious answer) so....
it's exam week so i'm gonna go to bed.....i hate exams!!!!!ggrrrr........(or meh)hehehe
p.s. i wish i was goin' into college right now.....i hate feeling left behind by my friends....
p.p.s.i'm not too upset, i've got all summer to spend time with them, yet i don't know how much time that'll be
p.p.p.s. F.E.A.B.A.L.A.Y.H.M.
smile...jesus loves you!
At 8/5/06 3:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
for me the sports banquet sucked... too many people staring at other people, and too many SHALLOw people complementing other shallow people
At 8/5/06 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
hmmm... so why were you so quick to take offense to this if I wasn't talking about you... that is the real question. Yes, I know I can sound belligerent at times, but if something is the truth, you can't change that, no matter what you think. Have a good day dani.
At 8/5/06 6:19 PM,
Butterfly said…
i wasn't meaning to sound like i was taking offense to it...i was just wondering who you were talking about.i don't get what you mean by that last part....just wonderin' i really don't get what you mean. thanx, i will.(have a good day i mean;)
and thanx for your words of wisdom becca...hehehehe j/p :)
At 8/5/06 6:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Actually, the last part is simple.
Shallow- Iconsiderate, self-contorted fools who wouldn't give the light of day to others because of their SELFISH DESIRES.
people- human beings
other- different others
complement-flatter stupidly
clear enough for u???
At 8/5/06 6:40 PM,
La Profesora said…
Jeff, you sound bitter. What if you had gotten an award? Would you be shallow? Rejoice with those that do rejoice . . . .
At 9/5/06 3:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I said this before getting or not getting any awards.
At 9/5/06 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
maybe the "inconsiderate fools" are wrong, but are ou any more right for dising them? does that not make you like them? I think that calling others shallow(even if they are) doesn't help anyone. Shouldn't our speech be "edifyiing"? don't be so quick to judge.
At 9/5/06 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
who are you
At 9/5/06 3:00 PM,
Butterfly said…
there's too many anonymouses here people....let's all just be ourselves. hehehe i understand you jeff, but how do you know who those people are? we are so quick to judge people before really knowing them, and spending time with them. you don't get to know people from afar off. maybe people are a lot different then they seem at first... i dunno, just a thought.(not to be taken personally)
At 9/5/06 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're right dani, but also, some of those people aren't the same all the time, their hypocritical. Hate to say it. But, I am quick to jugde, to be honest In the beginning of the year I was set on hating you ... j/k. Luv ya dani
At 14/5/06 1:24 PM,
jAkE said…
It was me if you must know. And you're right Dani, we should be ourselves. sorry.
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