for those of you that don't know, i just got my wisdom teeth pulled last tuesday. i've been on a diet of broth, and some soup, jello, pudding, and water, for the past 4 days. i went to the doctor at about 10 and was out by 11, so it went quickly. my mouth was numb for the next 10 hours, and then it tingled( like pins and needles) for the next 4. i haven't been in any severe pain this whole time, which is a big answer to prayer. thank you so much for all of the prayers, i recently went to the doctor(dentist) for a checkup because my mom thought i had an infection or something, and he said that i was doing better then i should've been doing. :) this may be a boring post to some of you but i'm not really in the mood to write i'm just letting all of you that care, know how i'm doing.:) until later!!!!
At 24/6/06 3:55 PM,
Sage said…
how did I not see that coming... hehe. go dani ... ummmmmmmmm... go... alright that was dumb.
At 25/6/06 4:55 PM,
MEC said…
Gotta love Chris!
Dani, you probably don't remember me, after all I was in a huge group of people that visited during our FMT tour. .
all that to say, I hope you feel better soon!
At 25/6/06 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
you looked like you were feeling well tonight, glad to hear it.
At 25/6/06 6:47 PM,
Butterfly said…
i remember you....:) i like you!!!
and thank you for the advice chris;) that reminds me, i had a cockroach crawl up my foot during prayer at the end of the sermon last week....but, i didn't scream. email me chris!!!...and megan too.
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