I was thinking this morning while waiting for a friend to get here....we take lightly the meaning of having daily devotions. We use it as a name for a period of time, but the name of "daily devotions" means just that, being devoted...daily. We should be devoted to our God. But this means not only being devoted during the 15 minutes that we spend daily, but ALL day, EVERY day. Being devoted usually means having a passion for that something to which you're devoted, right? So why are we, even me at times unable to be devoted to even spend 15min.(maybe more)a day with "a man", actually a God, THE God that was so devoted to us that He left His heavenly home to live a life of criticism, and die, because He had such a passion for our souls... Shouldn't we have at least that much of a passion to devote some of our time to him?
Just a thought...:) Until next time...
Just a thought...:) Until next time...
At 26/6/06 2:57 PM,
Julie Alexander said…
You're on fire, girl...I love it.
At 27/6/06 5:33 AM,
La Profesora said…
i think that being devoted is an attitude all day long - that the Word has the answer to all my problems; that in it is infinite wisdom and help for my soul; that in it i will find the answers that both I and my acquaintences are looking for. Having a special time to meditate therein is important, because we forget so soon. But really, it just primes the pump.
Another neat thing is when we actually hunger for God's Word, which isn't always the case. But it usually happens when we are in trial :)
love you, Danielle. You're on the right track.
At 27/6/06 6:41 PM,
Sage said…
wow, it seems that you're constantlty changing fer the better dani. I know I've said it before... but I've never meant it so much compared to right now... I'm so proud to even know you, nontheless be your FRIEND. No I''m not trying to flatter you just for the sake of flaattery, I'm doing it because you deserve it. I love you IC ... sis...
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