Shtuff About Me....

Someone who loves the Lord and loves to have a good time with her times crazy, but loves to be an encouragement to others.

Friday, March 30, 2007

What if it were today?....

What if Christ were to come right.....NOW?!?!?! Would what you're looking at on your computer be edifying and pleasing to the Lord? Have you accomplished anything for your Lord today, in the past week, in the past month, in the past year, in your entire life? Will you be embarrassed
to face God and give account for all the things done or not done?
What is your motivation for serving the Lord? Money, popularity, acceptance, statice, or for other even more selfish reasons?

Isn't it a scary to imagine that the LOrd knows your every thought and action and motivation? I've recently been evaluting my own motives. It becomes such a habit to do things for the wrong reason, whether it's trying to make someone accept you, or even just doing it for your own self satisfaction. I hope and pray that all that you have done has been for the right motivation and in the right mind set.


Phil.4:8 Whatsoever things are True, Honest, Just, Pure, Lovely, and of a Good Report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS.

Something else I was thinking.... I like different colors and things that make sounds. Can you actually see sounds and hear colors? Why does the where seem so important in many issues? Who can know three or more things that don't matter? This has just been something I have been wondering.... Dani

Saturday, March 10, 2007

What God has been doing in my life lately...

I'm sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I didn't feel that I had anything to post about. But God has been giving me the power to make changes in my life, small changes, but nonetheless changes. Many times in my own life, I feel the need to make a big and very drastic change. But I think small changes can be the most important changes to make, because they are what affect our everyday lives, the here and now. But they also affect our future.

Lately I've been reading in Hebrews for my devotions, a great book to read if you want to tap into the vastness of Christ's love and sacrifice for us. In chapter one I read about how Christ hates iniquity and loves righteousness. And that is what is wrong with our society today, it's the opposite.

In chapter two I read of Christ's great love and sacrifice. In verse 11 it says "For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren." One thing that comes to mind when I read this is the fact that Christ loves being associated with us. For instance, it's like one of those times that you're brother or sister does something so embarrassing, and you tell all of your friends that that brother or sister is adopted because you don't want those friends to associate you with that brother or sister. But yet, how many times do you think we have embarrassed Christ, and yet He chooses to be associated with us. That amazes me!!!

Then today, I read in Hebrews chapter three. This was a great rebuke to me, especially growing up in a Christian school where everyone professes to be a "Christian". In verse 13 it says "But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." Exhort means to encourage in an uplifting way, and how many times do we speak down to one another. The end of the verse says ...."lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." And before that it says ...."while it is called To day"... We are supposed to be standing up to those who are in sin before it's to late, while their hearts are still soft. Or even while they're still available, some of the juniors and seniors will be gone in a year or two, and even some of the younger class men in our school need to be challenging them to get their hearts right. As soon as some of the seniors step out the door after their graduation, they'll never be back. And they may miss their chance, but we don't want to miss the chance to encourage and challenge others that may be doing wrong. I'm saying a lot of this, because I know that most, if not all of the people who read my blog are from Grace.

Anyway, that's just a little of what god has been burdening my heart for, to see some leaders in our school become what god wants them to be.

I think our entire senior class needs some prayer, so be praying for them. God is still at work.

In Christ,