skewl shopping...
my mom and i went school shopping last night...i usually enjoy shopping for new school supplies, but not this year. there really isn't anything i'm really looking forward to in this year. except turning 16, maybe. from what my teachers tell me, this year is supposed to be the hardest one, 10th grade. we have american government first semester and then economics our second semester, english, keyboarding, bible, yearbook(or you can have that as a studyhall), geometry, spanish2, and physical science. i have decided not to do sports for this very reason. i had a hard time last year maintaining a C average. but i'm hoping that by eliminating sports, i'll do better. i just have to keep focused and try hard.
i'm going to miss sam and jen...both of them have become 2 of my best friends this year, and they're both leaving to go to pensacola.>:( so i'm going to dedicate this post to both of you....i'll miss both of you very come back and see me once in a while.:)
love you all,
i'm going to miss sam and jen...both of them have become 2 of my best friends this year, and they're both leaving to go to pensacola.>:( so i'm going to dedicate this post to both of you....i'll miss both of you very come back and see me once in a while.:)
love you all,
At 2/8/06 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey peanut!! lol i miss you so way to much. just think about me when you are in school with out your best friends from G.A. just remember me, your best friend from M.O.!!! Danielle i miss you sooo much, i remeber when you came up for graduation, and you and ashley surprised me!!! that was not funny!! remember that girl that tried to help my forhead, *at clinique* ya i thin that stuff just made it perminate! its still here! a little bit littler, but still here!! ahhh i miss you so much, i sleep with my one and only build-a-bear *dani* every night. I will never for get that day. I'll never forget you! I love you dani!
~Sarah~ *shorty*
At 2/8/06 6:39 PM,
Butterfly said…
hey sarah!!! you came out and checked out my blog...i miss you too!!! so much, and if you check this later tell me what your email is again, i can't remember...or you can just email me at ok? love ya girly..
At 2/8/06 7:00 PM,
Sage said…
way to totally ignore all other comments... maybe we can study together. Actually... think about it. I can make notecards for american government and you can make them for physical science, and we can swap off every other night??? Thats a good idea, huh? (or maybe ot, meh). Later dani.
At 2/8/06 7:09 PM,
Butterfly said…
thankyou so much becca for praying for me, sometimes people forget what power there is in prayer!!!(there ya go jeff;) and that would be fine jeff but you have to work on your handwriting so that i am capable of reading it...;)hehe just kidding, well not really, i can't really read your handwriting, the only one tht i think has ever really mastered it is becca...congrats!!! you've done waht no one else could...hahahhehehe anyway, we can be study-buddies...sounds like a plan.:) ttyl
At 3/8/06 10:29 AM,
Julie Alexander said… can look forward to spending extra quality time with your crezy Mumsy! (and making new friends, and not being too tired/busy to participate in ministry opportunties, and growing in the Lord, and in becoming super-organized, and learning to speak Spanish, and practicing the P-Nano, and....) I bet you could fill in the blanks if you think about it. Love ya, shmoopsy (hey, that was hard to spell).
At 3/8/06 10:31 AM,
Julie Alexander said…
Oh...and you might want to add pray and lean on the Lord to "keep focused and try hard." Those will get you farther than anything attempted in the flesh!
At 3/8/06 11:30 AM,
Butterfly said…
is this what you do all day?;) aren't you supposed to be working?;)
At 3/8/06 5:51 PM,
Sage said…
I didn't want you to do it for me dani...
At 3/8/06 5:51 PM,
Sage said…
and I know my handwritings dumb, but its what the words are that counts...
At 3/8/06 6:58 PM,
Butterfly said…
i didn't do it for you, i did it because what you said was true...and your words are very special to anyone that reads them, even if they do have trouble reading them..;)
At 3/8/06 7:44 PM,
yoshi said…
i did school shopping today.
At 4/8/06 8:00 AM,
Sage said…
I'm not shopping for skool until the 13th... the day before skool...
At 4/8/06 3:05 PM,
Sage said…
shopping suks.
At 4/8/06 8:47 PM,
Julie Alexander said…
Yay for nerds!
At 5/8/06 7:47 AM,
Sage said…
the only thing I'd really want to shop for is rw and guitars... and maybe computer enhancments, hehe.
At 6/8/06 4:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
"def jeff" is so rude...
At 7/8/06 6:37 AM,
Sage said…
thanx rw... I really have no time for anonymouses...
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