Give it up...
just like la profesora said, this was meant to be an encouraging post. all i was trying to do was to show you all how i felt on a spiritual matter, and how it had lifted me up and encouraged me. and then all that a lot of you could do was try to tear me down. leaving messages and comments that showed exactly how much character or the lack thereof that some of you had....this blog is not here to put others down. and this blog is not here for (some) of you to put me down. and if that is all that you want to do by it, find some mistake tht i made by saying something the wrong way or taking it personally, then quit coming to my blog. i won't feel offended if there aren't as many comments anymore. i would rather try to uplift a very few, than offend all the rest of you for unknown reasons. and i'm sure that some of you will take this personally, so if it has not been you that has been leaving the "mean" and/or "characterless" comments then i'm not talking to you, but if you are then you're right, i am talking to you. and i would appreciate it if you either didn't comment here anymore, or i'd ask that you comment something that would encourage others around you(i.e. other readers, and me) i like to be encouraged.:) i'm not angry, i'm just a little hurt and surprised i guess. i would expect this from the world, because they wouldn't understand what i was or am trying to get across. we're giving satan great pleasure by showing him that we can't even stand together or agree on something like a post about something spiritual as Christains. well, that's all i have to say on the matter....
At 18/9/06 2:27 PM,
La Profesora said…
well then! the young lady has spoken! :)
At 18/9/06 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Apologies for the inconvinience. I was only trying to show you something, and I think you knew what it was, yet you constantly ran away from it. There's no hope in beating a dead horse. I really didn't mean to come off hurtful, I was just picking at your thoughts. Hopefully next time I decide to do so, you will be able to comprehend my intentions. I will be back. Good day :)
At 18/9/06 3:01 PM,
Julie Alexander said…
Anonymous, if you do come back and if you are truly trying to help, then post your name instead of hiding behind this blog. Then maybe you and Dani can talk about things face to face and if you have any specific questions about what Dani is trying to get across, instead of "reading between the lines" and drawing erroneous conclusions, you could deal with these debates tactfully. Sorry...protective mother syndrome.
At 18/9/06 4:06 PM,
Butterfly said…
chris, what is your phone number. sam tells me that you're pretty lonely up there, so i thought i'd give you a call. just email it to me at we miss you chris....:) thatnks for commenting.;) ttyl
At 21/9/06 2:58 PM,
Eliwood said…
Well spoken, Dani. It doesn't quite make much logic when encouragements turn into insults, back and forth between anons and randomly-named people.... I think several entities are to blame for the chaos and uproar. I know it probably sounds kind of... dumb, but, well, we should all just learn to get along. No point in trying to find mistakes in everything someone does, including in an encouraging post. Oh well... that's my miniscule opinion.
At 21/9/06 3:18 PM,
Butterfly said…
your opinion actually means a lot to me "eliwood". thanks...:)
At 22/9/06 3:32 AM,
Sage said…
told you dani ^^^ hehehe...
At 23/9/06 8:22 PM,
Sage said…
I'm not that crazy... :(
At 24/9/06 9:29 PM,
jAkE said…
Good post Dani, even though it took me a while to get around to it. I haven't had much time to be on the computer, but I totally agree. People that try to discourage someone with something inciteful and uplifting are usually(in my experience) only jealous of the attitude. Even though they might not know it. It's something to state your opinion, it's completely different to force it upon someone. Keep posting, and maybe the attitudes of those persons(whoever you are) will be helped. bye bye now.
At 30/9/06 7:29 PM,
Sage said…
I think that you guys have just labeled some of the past comments on the blog, instead of actually thinking about them./././ >p
At 30/9/06 8:25 PM,
Julie Alexander said…
OK, I will label them...careless, thoughtless, mean-spirited and especially not-addressed-in-the-proper-arena....especially in light of the subject of the original post....that is the point. See, I did think about them.
At 30/9/06 8:29 PM,
Julie Alexander said… the NOT get started again.
At 3/10/06 9:25 AM,
Anna said…
As there have been so many comments on your last 2 blogs, I have withheld from commenting, but can't any longer.
Your original blog was your own thoughts and it was very uplifting and encouraging and it is beyond me how anyone could have taken offense to what you said. You just made statements, not pointing fingers at anyone, and I'm with your Mom when she said how mean spirited some of the comments were.
Keep blogging, I love reading your blogs.
Love You
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