I didn't really know what to call this post, really I want to ask a question and give a challenge. Do you really value God's Word? We've been talking about this a lot lately in Bible class, in Chapel, and during Wednesday night church.
Pastor Carnes used the example of a love letter, when or if you were to receive a love letter or just a note from someone that you liked/loved/admired, you wouldn't be able to wait a day or even a few minutes before opening it. You wouldn't just look at it and say"I'll get to that later", you would almost tear it trying to open it...So why aren't we like that?(why am I not like that?) Why is it that we don't have that kind of passion for God and His Son who died and took hell for us? We would spare ourselves a lot of heart ache if we just took a few minutes to look in God's Word. Many times we say to ourselves "no one cares", "I don't know what to do", "I can't stand it". Well God sent us His Words!!!! He has told us what we need to do, He has told us that He cares. It gives me chills... Another example that Pastor Carnes used was a flashlight. If you or I were lost in the woods late at night, and yet you had the comfort of having a flashlight. You wouldn't pass that up and say"I can find my way on my own in the pitch black". We would use the flashlight so we could find our way.(obviously) So why don't we use the light of God's Word to help us when we're in the dark spiritually?
Well anyway, like I said, you all wanted me to post, so I posted something that God had been challenging me with.:) I hope you feel challenged, it's proably nothing you haven't heard before but it's nice to be reminded.
God bless,
Pastor Carnes used the example of a love letter, when or if you were to receive a love letter or just a note from someone that you liked/loved/admired, you wouldn't be able to wait a day or even a few minutes before opening it. You wouldn't just look at it and say"I'll get to that later", you would almost tear it trying to open it...So why aren't we like that?(why am I not like that?) Why is it that we don't have that kind of passion for God and His Son who died and took hell for us? We would spare ourselves a lot of heart ache if we just took a few minutes to look in God's Word. Many times we say to ourselves "no one cares", "I don't know what to do", "I can't stand it". Well God sent us His Words!!!! He has told us what we need to do, He has told us that He cares. It gives me chills... Another example that Pastor Carnes used was a flashlight. If you or I were lost in the woods late at night, and yet you had the comfort of having a flashlight. You wouldn't pass that up and say"I can find my way on my own in the pitch black". We would use the flashlight so we could find our way.(obviously) So why don't we use the light of God's Word to help us when we're in the dark spiritually?
Well anyway, like I said, you all wanted me to post, so I posted something that God had been challenging me with.:) I hope you feel challenged, it's proably nothing you haven't heard before but it's nice to be reminded.
God bless,
At 26/8/06 7:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 28/8/06 10:23 AM,
Unknown said…
I've learned just how much I really need God's word. It's been very helpful over the past few days.
At 28/8/06 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
who the 2 is correct.
At 29/8/06 8:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
These names get stupid after a while.
At 29/8/06 9:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
The things we do are reflections of wht is really in our souls. Reading the Bile is probably the single most terrifying downfall of Christians today. No, the reason is not that we dont have enough time, or that other things are more important (hopefully nothing is). So the way we cherish the Word of God is a reflection of who we are. A reflection of our relationship with the Lord. Everyone has the same amount of time every day. It's how we SPEND it that the Lord cares about. Our schedule should include time for Him. Anything else is putting God on the shelf; instead of our hands. Good post Dani. I miss talking to you. Lata ya'll.
At 30/8/06 2:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I Miss you WAY TOO MUCH!!
I love you *****PEANUT*****
~just guess~
At 30/8/06 2:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
I miss you way too much!
I love you *****PEANUT****
~guess who~
At 30/8/06 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
what is going on!!!???? I am very confused.
At 30/8/06 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 31/8/06 1:41 PM,
Butterfly said…
first off, who is crippler? sarah that was awesome!!! and for those of you that don't know sarah is my sister. well, not really but i love her like a sister and we've been best friends since like pre-school. it's nice to know that people still think about and miss you even after all this time. i miss you too, and i love ya girl...that made me cry...*tear*
At 31/8/06 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
That s to the arah, all I have to say is, you are...out there. I see that people care for you danielle, but do you show the affection back? Or do you just accept their affection in vein. To me, you seem to have diffrent personalities in diffrent situations with diffrent people. Or as other people say it...
At 31/8/06 7:02 PM,
Butterfly said…
i try my hardest to be the same person with everyone...but sometimes, you have to be different. i have a sorta sarcastic personality, and i can't be that way with everyone because they take it deffensively. and i personaly act different with people that i trust than people that i don't, i act different with people that i've known for 12 years as aposed to 2 or 3 years. how stupid would it be if we treated everone as if we'd known them our whole lives...people would be looking at us like, WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!! this is just how i feel concerning this subject. and why won't you tell me who you are?.....your name?
At 2/9/06 6:01 AM,
Sage said…
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At 2/9/06 11:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
i second that
At 2/9/06 11:19 PM,
jAkE said…
true dat brutha. Everyone has certain people that they are "themselves" around. It's not like you can be loose and easy going around someone you dont know well. I totally understand and agree with you. But it's very easy to start complete different personalities with certain groups of people. Thats the dangerous game that alot of Christians play between church and life outside of it. I have struggled with this, so a word to the wise: be careful HOW different you are. Anyway I kinda negated myself right there but oh well. Maybe you understand. To self: "Shut up now!" meh.
At 3/9/06 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I never said to treat everyone like you'vce known them for twelve years. I've never seen you stick your fist into your mouth either, but I think this "deaf Jeff" guy or whatever has a point too.
At 3/9/06 6:44 PM,
jAkE said…
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At 3/9/06 6:51 PM,
Butterfly said…
thanx jake...yeah, my trust is wearing a little thin right now. i'm tired of the stinkin controversies that go on on this blog so i may stop all together. this was supposed to be an uplifting post but no one has had anything positive to say. although some people never have anything positive to say.
At 3/9/06 7:31 PM,
Sage said…
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At 3/9/06 9:04 PM,
jAkE said…
I said two possitive things. I guess I don't count. j/k. And jeff, chill out dude. I know things aren't that easy for ya right now but don't be jankin on peeps for trying to lighten things up. Don't stop blogging Dani... I like reading them. they're always good-natured when most blogs aren't.
At 4/9/06 12:12 PM,
Butterfly said…
they truth is that you can't let your circumstances determine YOU!! it's not all about your circumstances, it's about your attitude. God didn't promise us an easy life, but you can't let it get you down. you have to get back up and keep going one step at a time.
At 4/9/06 5:03 PM,
Sage said…
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At 5/9/06 3:51 PM,
Sage said…
now your bitter, why don't you ever listen to the point I'm tryin to get across instead thinking I'm stupid and just ignoring the truth?
At 5/9/06 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
why don't you quit your stupid teeny-bopper attitudes and get over it?! peoples opinions are what blogs are for, yes, but that doesn't mean constantly fight! play nice children, play nice.
At 6/9/06 3:04 AM,
Sage said…
see, if someone here is pointing out a deficiencey and I don't admit it, I'M BAD!!! But if I do the same to someone else, they just play it off as something else or think my only intention is to hurt them...
At 6/9/06 4:02 AM,
Julie Alexander said…
OK, now I'm getting irritated. First, this is Dani's blog and therefore her opinion is what she is trying to communicate. Second, Danielle hasn't been "figthing" just responding in generalities that others choose to take offense to. Thirdly, why don't you all go back and look at the topic of the original post. I think Danielle was posting from a positive edifying standpoint and others have turned it into something negative for reasons only they can understand. I'm really disappointed in the exchange that is going on here.
At 6/9/06 4:04 AM,
Julie Alexander said…
At 6/9/06 4:05 AM,
Julie Alexander said…
At 6/9/06 7:09 AM,
jAkE said…
Thanx jax. I was getting kinda peeved too. I couldn't have said it any better.(probably much, much worse)
At 6/9/06 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is retarted, i have a feeling some of you are a but, blind... i can see it just from between the lines reading. and stop picking on "def jeff" he sound more logical than most of you...
At 6/9/06 7:07 PM,
jAkE said…
Sorry Jeff if you got the impression in any way that I was "picking on" you, cause I didn't mean for it to come across like that. I just think that these things could be solved without all the tension. A blog usually a good place for things like that anyway. there are no emotions in typed letters obviously. And you can't see the oh-so-telling expressions on ones' face on a computer. tha's why I've always loathed having a serious discution of any kind on a comp. screen. The words are cold and unfeeling. And I do think I see some of the things you were trying to get across, though, (as Pastor says) "you can't make con-tact without having tact. And thats all I have to say about that. jAkE out.
At 6/9/06 7:13 PM,
jAkE said…
Sorry. I meant "a blog usually isn't a good place" just to clear things up. :P
At 6/9/06 7:17 PM,
Sage said…
meh... I'll just post about what I'm trying to get across on saturday... thak invisible... not in my eyes
At 11/9/06 7:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
the pleasures all mine...
At 14/9/06 3:50 PM,
jAkE said…
post dani
At 14/9/06 6:58 PM,
Sage said…
word, ugh ugh ugh... word
At 15/9/06 8:55 AM,
jAkE said…
At 17/9/06 2:08 PM,
La Profesora said…
well, this was originally a very good post - a very good analogy. but looks like others have messed it up. :( part of a sin-cursed world. don't let it discourage you from future posting of edifying things, though. other young people need to hear your perspective.
At 17/9/06 6:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
why dont you learn to look at things instead of immedietly categorizing them
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