God's at work...
As many of you know, i called my dad this morning. i woke up at 7 because i was too excited and scared(all at the same time) about calling my dad. i still had some scripture to lookup so i was able to spend about 2hrs just reading the Bible and thinking some more about what i would say. the Lord just gave me a peace....well when i called my dad was just about to start breakfast which was actually a real blessing, becuase this meant that he wasn't doing anything and that i'd have him for a little while. when i started saying how sorry i was for the disrespect that i had showed him over the years, he started crying. and that right there was a sign that he was listening. i began telling him a little of the bitterness i had felt for such a long time, and i told him why. i felt a burden lift off my shoulders at that moment. then i asked him if he was saved...well, in so many words. i took him throguh some scripture, and he really did understand all of what i was saying. but then i asked him the question"if you were to face God right now and he asked you why should be allowed to enter his heaven, what would you say". my dad said that he would say,"your will be done.(meaning: if God wanted dad to go to heaven he'd go, if God wanted dad to go to hell, so be it) i then began to explain to him that God HAD already chosen, and that's why he'd come to earth to die on the cross, that was god's way of telling us all that he loved us and that he wanted ALL to go to heaven. and that God had left the decision up to us...whether we wanted the world or God.(mark 8:6 "for what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul) after explaing all this to him again, i asked if he was ready for Christ to come, and what was standing in the way of his accepting Christ. and he admitted that it is his bitterness toward my mom. i then gave him the verse romans14:12 "so then every one of us shall give account of HIMSELF to God". (i'm not blaming my mom for any of this) but i tryed to tell him that he was going to give an account for how he handles it, my dad can't change my mom, and vise-versa. only God can shape their hearts....my dad can't change my mom, and my dad can't change the past. so again i will ask you all to be praying that my dad won't let the past get in the way of his salvation, that God will give him a heart of forgiveness and understanding. he is so close to repenting and getting saved. and HE WILL!!!! i don't believe that this could have gone any better, and now i know what is going throguh my dad's head, and how to challenge him next time, because this is only the beginning and God has given me a new found courage in talking to my dad about his salvation. God has begun a good work in my dad, and he'll perform it until the day of his salvation. thankyou all again for your prayers....
God bless,
God bless,
At 29/7/06 3:59 PM,
La Profesora said…
it is incredible how the Lord is working in your own heart and that of your family members. we'll definitely keep supporting in prayer. thanks for sharing this too to encourage all of us to speak up in those hard situations. we really have to remember that it is not His will that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance.
At 29/7/06 4:25 PM,
Butterfly said…
thanx mrs.Liedtke...:)
At 29/7/06 5:21 PM,
Sage said…
At 1/8/06 10:12 AM,
Anna said…
How awesome Dani. I'm so glad it went well and your Dad responded to your witnessing.
I will tell Dono to read your blog as he worries about his Dad.
Praying for you and your continued witnessing to your Dad.
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