FIREWORKS!!!(or the lack there of)
Well tonight we went to see the downtown fireworks, on the top of the TSYS parking garage. We got there 2 hours early because we wanted a good spot to see the fireworks. Since we got there so early my mom and I took a pleasant walk 5 blocks to a coffee shop downtown... We sat there and read for about 1 hour, it was really nice, in spite of the 104 degree heat. Then after a while we walked back to our spot and waited for about 1 hour...or so, for the Liedtke's to get there. My mom and I had fun just sitting there, we always seem to make our circumstances fun and interesting...(not at all boring) there is never a dull moment. The Liedtke's finally got there at about 9:15 after receiving some incorrect directions from my mother...Then it was a bit of a dissapointment just because the fireworks started 15 mins. early so we missed the first 7min of the fireworks. Once we got up there it was great!!! Ashley Amsbaugh was there with them and she, Sam, Libby, and me, sat on the top of our van watching...But then just as we were starting to enjoy ourselves it was over, it only lasted 17mins. It was a bit of a bummer, but yet it was a lot of fun!!! And we got to share it with friends!!!!
p.s. tell me what you did for the 4th of July....:)
p.s. tell me what you did for the 4th of July....:)
At 5/7/06 4:54 AM,
La Profesora said…
did Sam tell you about the leprocans? the luck of the Irish!
At 5/7/06 6:59 AM,
Butterfly said…
yes!!! he mentioned something about watching the movie "Behind the Waterfall", and said something to the affect the mr. berrey is a leprocan!?!?!?!lol
At 5/7/06 7:56 AM,
Sage said…
I hate leprechauns in movies because its just another excuse to make fun of people. Meh. I saw the same fireworks as you dani, I just saw it on top of a condo.
At 5/7/06 8:00 AM,
La Profesora said…
well,it was the reason we arrived later.
At 5/7/06 8:04 AM,
Butterfly said…
because of watching the movie?!?!?lol i'm still really gad that you all got to come!!!:) better late then never...:)
At 5/7/06 8:12 AM,
Sage said…
thats gotta be thae fastest round of comments I've seen... email me sometime dani...
At 5/7/06 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I thought the fireworks were really good, and i am glad that they did not last forever, cause then you would not look forward to going to see them every year.
At 5/7/06 12:59 PM,
Julie Alexander said…
I have fun with you, too, Peanut. If only people knew...yikes. We would be utter outcasts...(start talking like Sid the Sloth here)...I can't wait until we can dressh alike and get mishtaken for "twinsh" again! It ish my youthful and vivacioush pershonality that throwsh people off! Next time before we go out...I'll remember to take my medicationsh.
At 5/7/06 1:00 PM,
Julie Alexander said…
By the way...if you're going to make fun of Irish people...spell LEPROCHAUNS correctly (is that how you spell it?)
At 5/7/06 1:01 PM,
Julie Alexander said…
I'm feeling punchy...must have been staying up until 2:30 a.m. after drinking the Caramel Coffee Freezers at the Fountain City...
At 5/7/06 5:49 PM,
Sage said…
I'm the one who spelled it RIGHT. I checked in the dictionary. Booyah!
At 6/7/06 8:04 AM,
Unknown said…
I watched some guy nearly blow his legs off with a roman candle. That's about all I did.
At 6/7/06 9:39 AM,
Sage said…
Now that ^ sounds amusing...
At 6/7/06 8:55 PM,
jAkE said…
I tried to blow my legs off. but it didn't happen again this year!! :'( some dreams never come true....tear....tear....tear.
At 7/7/06 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Um...ouch,Jake! Dani...we spent the holiday with my husband...his last day here in the states for quite a while. We miss him, but he called today...YAY! Sorry the fireworks weren't what you expected. You are welcome to come to Benning and watch them with us next year though.
At 8/7/06 11:42 AM,
Sage said…
I wanna come! And jake, if you want any help... well, I'm always willing to give a helping hand! hehehe, I LOVE being weird ;)
At 9/7/06 1:33 PM,
Sage said…
needsta post
At 9/7/06 7:14 PM,
jAkE said…
post post post......oh yeah and now. :P
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