i'm POSTING!!!!!! lol
well, now i know exactly how sam is feeling, there just isn't much to post about.... so i'll just tell you what has been going on with me. i've been babysitting 2 days a week, it isn't too bad really, we watch a movie in the morning right when they get here and then play a game before lunch and then we go to the pool for about 2 hours, they'll usually come up and have a snack or something and then leave....
recently,(last friday) some long time friends traveled down here to see us from missouri.(which i want to say IS the reason for which i missed the acrees birthday party, it was not because a certain some one wasn't going to be there....just thought i'd point that out for those of you that were confused...) it was great having them here. on friday morning we took them(justin, ashley, and lacy) to the Treasure Box Club. they had a blast!!! then we went home and went swimming for a while, we ate with the rest of my family and the went down to the riverwalk. on saturday, we went to a wedding for their cousin and then they had to leave...it was a very sad time, because we most likely won't see them for another year.... it was also great having their dad(bill) here because he has been like my dad since i was 3. i'm gonna miss that....
well that's been my life lately, i can't complain.....this summer i've been able to be involved in God's work, and have been able to see people get saved, that certainly isn't anything to complain about. speaking of people getting saved, please be praying for my cousin, Gabriel, i believe that she is saved, but yet as she gets older she has more and more questions that need answering....
well i hope you all enjoy....
love always,
recently,(last friday) some long time friends traveled down here to see us from missouri.(which i want to say IS the reason for which i missed the acrees birthday party, it was not because a certain some one wasn't going to be there....just thought i'd point that out for those of you that were confused...) it was great having them here. on friday morning we took them(justin, ashley, and lacy) to the Treasure Box Club. they had a blast!!! then we went home and went swimming for a while, we ate with the rest of my family and the went down to the riverwalk. on saturday, we went to a wedding for their cousin and then they had to leave...it was a very sad time, because we most likely won't see them for another year.... it was also great having their dad(bill) here because he has been like my dad since i was 3. i'm gonna miss that....
well that's been my life lately, i can't complain.....this summer i've been able to be involved in God's work, and have been able to see people get saved, that certainly isn't anything to complain about. speaking of people getting saved, please be praying for my cousin, Gabriel, i believe that she is saved, but yet as she gets older she has more and more questions that need answering....
well i hope you all enjoy....
love always,
At 10/7/06 6:25 PM,
La Profesora said…
at least you get to earn a little money with the babysitting. And poolside. Glad you got to see your friends from back in Missouri- that is important.
At 11/7/06 5:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
I never thought that you only didn't go cause sam wasn't there
At 11/7/06 9:05 AM,
Julie Alexander said…
Thank you for posting. I'm thankful you are having a good summer. I have been proud of you and how you have handled yourself at home (you have been a BIG help) and in your job and ministries. I knew God would bless you for making a tough choice, Peanut (namely, not going to your Dad's). Your spiritual growth and maturity evidenced this summer indicate you made the RIGHT choice. Love ya....
At 12/7/06 7:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
In the end
At 13/7/06 7:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 13/7/06 9:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I H8 when people use things like "h8" and "lol"and all that crap. I'm just the only one who'll admit it... mpfc...
At 13/7/06 9:58 AM,
Butterfly said…
lets be nice everyone...please.
At 13/7/06 11:22 AM,
Sage said…
hehe, the world isn't nice... but we are...
At 13/7/06 6:56 PM,
Sage said…
thats WHY I SAID IT FRANK!!! Geez dude, lay off. Call me tomorrow dani, phone lines are up...
At 13/7/06 7:20 PM,
natasha.. said…
Thanks for the message...I honestly know that if God would take away something that amazing in my life.. then he must have something even better for me.. sometimes it's just hard to lose such a big part of your life @ first..& it's hard to trust that it will get better.. but it will.
At 14/7/06 6:45 PM,
Sage said…
And ure so nice about your comments frank?
At 14/7/06 7:44 PM,
Butterfly said…
one of you needs to be the"bigger person" and just not say anything back....just let it go, both of you guys. you are both very opinionated people, and you both sometimes tend to not hear the tone in which jokes or comments are being made....try to think positively and try to think of the mindset in which the comment or joke was made in the first place.
At 16/7/06 12:42 PM,
Sage said…
u need to post today dani...
At 16/7/06 8:19 PM,
yoshi said…
God gave us tongues so that we could comunicate about things in a Christ-honoring fashion.
He also gave us teeth with which we should sometimes bite our tongue and not say anything at all.
btw, i came up with that on my own. i'm quite proud of myself for having such a profound thought. yay for me.
At 23/7/06 6:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
yay for you
At 25/7/06 12:52 PM,
Sage said…
you need to post foo
At 6/1/07 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Give me link to SEO software (promotion, advertisement, etc.). I'm need it to promote my new e-shop.
At 22/1/07 1:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have the firewall that came with my windows xp. I want a better one. What is a VERY good firewall i can download and use for free that dosen't slow down my computer?
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