my decision....(from camp)
well the Lord worked in my life all week last week...and He didn't just work while the sermons were being preached. He was working just in the camp, while we were hot and sweaty when we were playing games, and even while we were sharing the food that all the guys were snarfing was the fact that you could actually feel God's presence at that camp, you knew all week that He was at work in hearts. well as i was saying, He was doing a work in my heart. mostly He had convicted me of my prayer life, i used to pray all that time for my brother and my unsaved dad. but then as i started maturing and realizing what my dad was doing to me and himself, by drinking, i stopped praying because i thought and believed that he didn't deserve my prayers. and God convicted me of dare i choose who and who not to pray for. i am just as bad as my dad because God doesn't weigh sin, and my dad is not a christain....i had been harboring this bitterness in me for years. but this last week at camp, i can honestly say that i let it go, God is once again in control. so many things that i had said to my dad and that i had said to my brother were coming out of my heart of bitterness. because that bitterness was controling me. now i honestly believe that when i talk to my dad or my brother, God can speak through me, and before he could not because i was in sin. just because i let it go, and just because God is back in control doesn't mean that i will not struggle with it. so please be praying for me....i'm going to be calling my dad this coming saturday, because that's the only day tht he'll be home and not doing anything. and i'll also have this week to be getting ready. i'm going to try to witness to my dad, and apologize to him for this bitterness and for the way that i've treated him with disrespect for such a long time. i will be doing this over the phone which i would rather be doing it face to face but god can still work, even over the phone....i love my dad so much and really want to see him saved and on his way to heaven. anyway, i would really appreciate all of your prayers. thanx.
in christ,
in christ,
At 26/7/06 1:46 PM,
Sage said…
aye... amen.
At 26/7/06 9:22 PM,
Julie Alexander said…
Thanks for sharing your heart, Dani. Just remember, when your Dad DOES get saved, he will probably be the best Christian on the face of the planet! (and then he will REALLY drive us crazy :) ) It is only a matter of time. Don't get discouraged. Just wait on the Lord.
At 27/7/06 10:34 AM,
Anna said…
Hi Dani,
I don't know alot about your past with your Dad. However, on just reading this blog and some of your past blogs, it begs the question: Has your Dad come right out and said he is not a Christian and does not believe in God?
Or have you, by his past and present actions, and the fact he does not attend Church assumed he does not believe there is a God?
Just curious!
I'll be thinking of you and praying for you this Saturday
Love Anna
At 27/7/06 6:55 PM,
Butterfly said…
my dad told me that he is trusting in the fact that he was baptized as a child...we have never discussed the fact of whether or not he is a christian, but it is what he is believing in to get to heaven that makes me question his salvation. believing in God is not what gets you to heaven, it is believing that you are a sinner and repenting of your sins and believing that Christ payed the price by dying on the cross...and there is a difference between a heed knowledge anda heart knowledge. you can go throguh the "motions" of being a christian and not really be saved.
At 27/7/06 7:29 PM,
La Profesora said…
i'll be praying for you Dani. you're on the right track!
At 28/7/06 12:44 PM,
Anna said…
Absolutely Dani,
I'll be praying for you.
Love Anna
At 28/7/06 8:00 PM,
Sage said…
Stay AWESOME Dani. I love ya girl...
At 28/7/06 9:16 PM,
jAkE said…
Thats a very brave thing you'll be doing. I'll be praying for you tomarrow to have the wisdom to know just what to say talking to your Dad. I hope the Lord will soften his heart enough to accept Him. The Lord IS on your side!
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