Life is too short...Life is too short to hold a grudge, life is too short to not say "i love you" to those that you hold dearest to your heart, life is too short to not do everything that you possibly can for your Savior, life is too short to not be reaching the lost every time you can...but the one I realized tonight is, life is to short to hold bitterness in your heart. We had a great message in church tonight, and he didn't really even speak on bitterness, he spoke on prayer. But he did ask, why don't we pray specifically to God for things that we want and things that we need....
My dad is not a Christian, and when I was little I prayed for him daily. But then as I got older things that he did started affecting me more, because I understood what he was doing to himself and me. I have to say, sadly, that I stopped praying about his salvation. Sure, I prayed about it when I thought about it, but I didn't think about it. I was angry at my dad for hurting me, but yet, my anger wasn't and isn't hurting him. It's hurting me, and my testimony. My bitterness could be hurting the work that God is trying to accomplish. And I could be the only Christian influence that my dad ever sees. Before I get angry I need to stop and pray for my dad, pray specifically that he will get saved, and soon. Being bitter is just not worth it...there isn't enough time to be a witness as it is, why waste the precious time that i do have?
So I challenge you all, to be thinking if there is anyone that you have not forgiven, that you are holding bitterness is too short.